Thursday, September 6, 2012

Epiphany, Part 2

So yesterday I mention my need to clean our bedroom due to our treadmill purchase.



While cleaning out part of our bedroom to make room I reached an epiphany.

I have had two children. No amount of time on a treadmill is going to change that.

After Kaycie was born I held on to a lot of clothes thinking I might drop enough weight to get back into them. Little did I know I'd leave the hospital weighing 10lbs less than I did when I got pregnant. Since  then I've put all of that plus another 20 back on. But see, there's more to the story than weight...

Regardless of how much I weigh I will never fit my rear end into a size 4 ever again. Ever.  Largely because size 4 pants won't make it past my post-child hips. For that matter, I'd have a tight fit in a size 8. Furthermore, my boobs will never fit into a size small shirt ever again. Probably not a medium either. Bad thing? I'd say not. Just a fact of life.

Not saying I'm overweight, saying I'm shaped a bit differently than I was two children ago.

So I'm throwing out my entire winter wardrobe and starting over. Probably going to toss the majority of my summer wardrobe too, at least anything pre-Kaycie. Gateway Rescue Mission is about to looooove me. My clothes budget is not going to be so happy. But I don't need much, I just need a few things that actually fit. Unfortunately, I HATEHATEHATE clothes shopping.

Where's BFF Lauren when I need her???


emmerl said...

i am here...which unfortunately is nine hours away. :-(

emmerl said...

oh and CONGRATS on the boobs ;)

Allison said...

You know, it's good that you're so okay about embracing a post kid body. So many women think they shouldn't have had ANY change whatsoever. I'll help you shop! Not that I have any free time these days, but it's the thought that counts right?!

Susan said...

Lauren - you're the only one who forces me to buy clothes. Nobody else can stand to deal with me for more than about 6 minutes in a store. I don't blame them. I can't deal with me for longer than that. And I certainly can't complain about the boobs, if I had another kid I'd give you a run for your money... ;)

Susan said...

Allison - I'd be stupid to think nothing would change, especially at my age. Besides, I spent so many years getting belittled and griped at by people about being skinny that I certainly don't mind a few extra pounds. At least those people have mostly shut up! Need to make the effort to wear the weight a little healthier, though.