Monday, November 17, 2008


I was standing the hallway talking to a coworker a few minutes ago when she pointed out that I had spilled hot chocolate on my shirt.

On the back of my shirt.

I always wondered what my talent was. Now I know.


black betty said...

that because you were trying to use it as hairgel????

you're my new hero...

Susan said...

Heh. Except it's down by my arm! Seriously. I dunno. The lady I was talking to said maybe it's not hot chocolate, maybe you have a giant gash in your arm that's bleeding. I told her it would probably be less embarrasing.

From the Doghouse said...

Or an alien has burst from your back and is now terrorizing the city.

Susan said...

Now there's a theory I like. I just hope I can get the alient out of my sweater, since it's fairly new!