Wednesday, May 2, 2012

There and Back Again

Just to catch up -

Saturday Greg left for California.

Thirty seconds later I left for my parents' house. A sanity saving move, to be sure.

Last night we came home so that K could go to school today.

Tonight we'll pick Greg up at the airport (God willing. If he's delayed you'll find me whimpering under my bed).

The trip Greg is on is the same conference he goes to this time most years. Last year I went with him (the Tampa trip) but this year with the velocipotamus being so little (relatively speaking) and the cross country flight (expensive) we decided I'd skip San Jose and maybe go for Austin next year. Let me just say thank God for grandparents. Last night in the few hours we were home I nearly lost it. Sleep did not come easily last night. And I am counting down them minutes until Greg gets home.

As for our adventures in Philly... I took a lot of pictures of things that aren't my children. And some that were my children. But that'll be largely covered on the photo blog and possibly a future post here. Right now I gotta get everybody dressed t get K to school. We are soooo not going to be late for that...

1 comment:

Allison said...

Bless you. Hope the day flies by so you'll have your honey home safe and sound!