Monday, September 19, 2011

To Do and Do and Do

We leave for the beach on Thursday to celebrate our 5th anniversary the next week. Normally by this point in the preparations I have list after list after list made - things to take, things to do, things I know I'll forget (like electronic chargers or laundry detergent!). And I've inventoried our clothes and determined if anybody needs new socks or whatever. And I have a box of snack food and other non perishables put together over the past few weeks of grocery trips. And the van cleaned up and out. And our mail hold set up. And check to see if we need the oil changed in the van. And... Sigh. I've done nothing.

Between being so sick the past couple of weeks and so busy getting ready for BFF Sharonda's baby shower this weekend that I haven't even started thinking about the trip. Right now I'm not even 100% sure what we're doing with the dog. I think he's staying with the in laws, but I'm not sure if that's been confirmed or when we're dropping him off. I haven't picked up any new car toys or made a vacation fun box for Kaycie. We haven't loaded the portable hard drive or the tablet with movies and tv shows to take with us (I refuse to go on a week and half long vacation without s stash of Mickey Mouse Clubhouses and Sesame Streets!). I haven't started my pre-vacation house cleaning. I haven't even looked too see what amenities our beach house has to see if there's anything else I need to plan for (it's 2 stories, so I need to contemplate Potamus-boundries). AAARRRGGG! 

So I need to start making some lists. I tried to do some shopping today but failed pretty miserably. J. C. Penney is having a crazy clearance sale and I wanted to pick up a couple of extra pair of cheap shorts for Kaycie, since she's been outgrowing her summer things pretty steadily over the past few weeks. Despite racks of clearance as far as the eye can see, I bought nothing for Kaycie. I did grab a few things for the baby at less than $2 each, but Kaycie started grabbing handfuls of clothes and flinging them, then planting herself in the floor when I held her hand and fought me like a banshee when I tried to pick her up and hold her. I miss the stroller days. Sigh. I'll try to go back Wednesday while she's at school, but I have my OB appointment that morning and don't know how much time I'll have after.

Right now I guess I need to go start making some lists. And start dinner. And work on some laundry. And start thinking about clothes to pack. And did I mention I've lost a pair of Kaycie's shoes that I bought a couple of months ago and put away until fall? Her old shoes broke last week and she needs sneakers for school. Before Wednesday. Guess that'll be on tomorrow's list.

1 comment:

Allison said...

This post made me tired for you.