Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
And this is how I have felt at work all week:

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
You should check out Dave Walker's site. He's got some funny stuff. I think I'm going to go download his Church Cartoon calendar and his WeBlogCartoons calendar.
OK... I know I shouldn't admit this... but I actually went out looking for a Wii this week.
I know, I know...
Did ya find one? (heh heh heh. giggling quietly to myself.)
How bad do you want one? If the price was right...
(No, really, Greg, I wouldn't sell it for less than $39,653!)
My cousin happen to be in Target when they got 3 in... he grabbed one and told me AFTER the fact..."If I'd only known you were looking for one..."
Oh well, I'll do like I did with the xBox 360 craze... I'll find one mid-January. :)
We had bought one a couple of months ago with the intent of putting it on Ebay after Thanksgiving. Within a couple of days a good friend mentioned that she had been looking for one for her son's birthday at the end of that week. Yeah. We gave it to her. We haven't seen one since, but that's ok. They've had a blast with it, even took it on vacation to the beach over Thanksgiving!
Here's the key to buying one (after the holiday!)- Sunday mornings at small-community Walmarts. If it's in the weekly Walmart ad, they have to hold them and put them out on Sunday mornings. And smaller communities generally have less demand and won't shop as much on Sunday mornings. We bought both of ours that way.
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