Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Materialism At Its Finest

I need a camera phone. Desperately. Right this minute. There's a thing I desperately need to take a picture of to post to the blog and of course my camera is at home on the couch where I left it after uploading wedding pictures. I'll either have to remember to bring it tomorrow or take home the thing.

And in my most insane English degree way, one of the above sentences makes me crazy because of a misplaced preposition, but I can't come up with a way to rephrase it so that it doesn't sound ridiculous. It'll just have to stay and I'll have to accept the fact that I'm knowingly causing shame for every teacher and professor I've ever had.


Supermom said...

oh where's Mrs. Girl Scout "I always keep a camera cable in my purse"...

does no good without the CAMERA, huh?

ROFL - just teasing.

Susan said...

You know, I had the exact same thought. I was all excited because I knew I had the cable and could go ahead and post it. Then I realized I didn't have the stupid camera. I should still get partial credit.

Stacey said...

You don't have a camera phone?

Upgrade to 2007, my friend.

From the Doghouse said...

Should I even mention the "it's" in the title?



Susan said...

Stacey - when I got my phone they didn't offer cameras on the "free with contract" deal, and you KNOW I didn't actually pay for one! I've only had 2 cell phones in 7 years.

Doghouse - Shut up. =) It's one thing when I do it by accident (and "it's" gets me every freaking time!) but to do it, know I did it, and not be able to fix it makes me nuts. I'm sure I have typoes and incorrect grammar all over the place, but as long as I'm not aware of it, it doesn't really bother me!