Memo to My Rose Bushes:
It has come to my attention that the memo Re: change of seasons was not distributed by Mother Nature in a timely fashion this year. Please be advised that it is now December. The lights you keep seeing after dark are not the aurora borealis, they are called Christmas lights. It what the neighborhood does in December. You normally don't see it because you are dormant in December. While we fully appreciate your 5 inch blooms during a time when every living plant is supposed to be brown and wilted, we fear that if you do not take this time to go dormant and rest then you will not have enough energy to stretch and wake up bright eyed come February. I realize it's 80 degrees outside, but really, it's December. Go to sleep now.
Beautiful roses!!!
But you're right. It's time for poinsettias not roses!!
It's not easy being green ...
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