Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Electronic Decluttering

I realized something in April when I was had the plague for three weeks - I have too much incoming online clutter. At least then I was making the attempt to clear out much of the junk every day or two, even if I wasn't making the effort to read it.

During the five days we were gone I pretty much ignored my email and bloglines. I now have hundreds of unread emails in four different accounts and over 500 unread blog posts in my bloglines account. I think it's time to start uncluttering and simplifying my electronic world.

That said, if anybody sent me an email in the past week or so that was important, I suggest you resend it. I'm about to do a massive delete in three of my four email accounts. I'm also about to start deleting blog subscriptions. No, not any of yours. I have almost 100 subscriptions, probably 80 of which are professional or theme blogs. Anything I feel I can erase all the built up posts in without reading them I probably wouldn't miss if it got deleted. Except maybe WiiFanBoy.com. They post so much I don't think I'd ever get through the 100+ posts that have built up, but they are a excellent source of Wii information! And the LOL Cats. Those just make my world a little better.


Webmaster said...

Yikes. ... Good luck!

The Topiary Cow said...

Yes, it's very insidious. And can grow exponentially.

Hope you can de-clutter.
