A little Rorschach ink blot test to get things started today. Looks less a blob this time around. More like a blob with feet.
Had a looooong crazy day that started with me feeling like slug slime, but I headed over to spend the day with BFF Addyson, which makes any day better. We napped and ate and passed gas. Then I packed her up and hauled her with us to my OB appointment this afternoon. That made for a lot of fun. People at the OB's office look at you funny when you're 10 weeks pregnant and have a 9 week old baby! I told them we were test driving this one to see if we liked the model before we put in our final order.
Dr. T. was impressed with Tater Tot's growth spurt. I'm supposed to be 10 weeks 3 days based on their original measurments last time, but today the Tot measured 11 weeks 3 days. (I swear, one mention of "13 pound baby," Supermom and the next time we have lunch I'm spiking your food with laxative!) The ultrasound tech recalculated the date to Oct 25, but Dr. T didn't say anything about officially changing the date, so I dunno. I'm still betting we'll be looking at mid-October anyway. Heart rate was a speedy 171. Doc was less impressed with my weight loss and ordered Greg to feed me. He pointed out that it does little good to feed me when I'm just going to throw up. She seemed to concede that point, but told me to gain weight before my next visit. They took several vials of blood and hopefully all of that will come back okey dokey.
Now if I can just get my health insurance woes worked out...
Looks like a baby to me! I hope you get some relief soon! Ugh!
Man, a 13-pound tater tot ...
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the insurance thing doesn't get any better. You have to watch them constantly. And there is nothing wrong with a big baby! Mine were 9-1 and 10-15. The good thing, especially for my husband, was that when they are big, they're not as wobbly. They already basically hold their heads up and don't seem as fragile.
I love to be told to gain weight. I don't think that's ever happened to me though.....
I promise, I won't say it again.
*crossing fingers*
"We napped and ate and passed gas."
that made me giggle
oh and if you ever come near with laxative after this past week, I will... um, I will.... um...
let me think about that one.
GG - I'd love the opportunity to watch the insurance company, as that would mean they actually have me insured! They've promised me health insurance by Friday, we'll see...
Allison - my biggest problem is I can't afford to lose much! I struggled for years to GAIN weight due to my ADD meds, and as soon as I went off them I put on 15 pounds. If I lose much more of that, I'm back to a rather unhealthy weight. Both sides of that coin suck at this point.
And finally, SM, that's precisely why I chose that particular threat! And let me assure you, for such a little thing, Addyson has some dangerous toots! Greg SWORE she has a really nasty diaper at the doc office, but nope. Just a whiffer.
OK! Stop talking about my child and her gas!
What? I adore your child! And her gas. =) And out is better than in!
I love the baby!! You have a baby in your tummy!! I think it looks like me. :) Glad your dr visit went well. At least you didn't gain 7 pounds in a month like I did once. It's like you're danged if you do and danged if you don't! Gain weight, lose weight!! Uuggghhh! Would someone make up their freakin' mind!!! ha!
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