While looking for inspiration on what to do with Tot's room I contemplated (and then purchased) this shower curtain. I loved all the color and had the brilliant idea that I could cut out some of the squares and make fabric wall hangings. This weekend I got my custom frames made and cut out the squares. I decided to do doubles instead of 4 singles so I would have an easier time actually hanging them on the wall in a grouping. That's when I realized I had made a minor miscalculation. I'll get to that in a minute. Now I have several options and need some options. Keep in mind none of these are "finished," I just draped or tacked up the fabric to the frames to get an idea of how they'd look. Here's group option #1:

Because I had to cut into so many other squares to leave enough fabric on the sides to mount them, I only have two more squares left that are useable, and they match up to one of the "correct" size panels exactly. I don't remember which one at the moment, but theoretically I could make two identical panels using those.
Since working on this project today I discovered two more potential options. Thanks to a failed attempt at some shelving I have some materials that would work to make two singles, sorta like this option #3:

The final option is that I could mount the shorter panel on a shorter frame, but the size difference would be kinda obvious. I don't know how I would use this to make it work, but it would look something like option #4:

And yes, that's my partially assembled crib in the background. I ordered the necessary replacement part today to finish putting it together. Hopefully by next week I can get that done and breathe a big sign of relief.
So help me Buddha, I am not seeing any differences in these pictures. Either you're overthinking this, or I'm the wrong person to ask.
You know my brain doesn't work well enough to explain things these days!
The big difference is in the color combinations and the fact that the one with the dark blue background is a little shorter than the others and would have a stripe on each end (orange on the top, blue on the bottom). That would be solved if I did the singles (option 3).
I like option #3.
Easy enough, option 1, its the brightest.
So far, adding in the assorted emails and phone calls I've received, option 3 is getting most of the love. I have to admit, I do like the dark blue and would hate to not use it for something, and I would still be using bright colors from option 1. Now I just have to find somebody with enough talent to hang things on the wall level and somewhat straight...
Oooh, my head is spinning from trying to decipher all this!
I like option one myself. I just like the brighter colors.
#3...its the most symmetric. :)
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