Friday, July 20, 2007

5 Things

In honor of birthdays:

5 Things I Love About Greg
(not particularly TOP 5, because you don't want to hear those!)

1) Technology. Our home was blasted in the current century overnight. I now have high speed internet, Tivo, streaming video, two big screen tv's, a new laptop with offsite access to our home media server... Our house may burn to the ground any day now, but we disconnected the cable because frankly, we have PLENTY of entertainment!

2) He does laundry. Lots of it. Usually BEFORE I'm ready to build a cave in the middle of the laundry pile and burrow into it.

3) He loves my singing. Well, not really. I just sent him an email where I TYPED the words to Happy Birthday and he emailed me back saying, "Ow! Ow! My ears!" But still, I pretend.

4) He takes me to see movies like Transformers and Harry Potter, then introduces me to Underpants Gnomes, all in the same week. (For the record - I don't like South Park. Really. I don't. But this Gnome phenomenon is incredibly intriguing. Who knew?)

5) Playing Good Pup/Bad Pup (he's a GOOD pup!) with Casper.


Greg said...


Susan said...

GOOD PUP! see, he went out to potty, even in the rain! good pup.

Greg said...

BAD PUP!!!! He wants to go to the beach, very bad pup!!!!

Susan said...

You want to go to the beach, are you a bad Greg?