Very cloudy, and the ocean was a bit rough, but after unpacking and naps we got in a nice walk on the beach at dusk. The only problem we had was the fact that our neighbors were VERY proud of their music. A couple of hours after the blaring started, I was sitting out on the deck and noticed that the Nickleback had turned to something classical, followed by "Here Comes the Bride." Yep. I witnessed a wedding two houses over, followed by an outdoor reception. With karaoke. That was where the long walk came in. Luckily they wrapped up around 10. I got over my irritation when I realized it was a wedding, and it's been perfectly quiet ever since.
Meanwhile, day two:

Very cloudy, very rough surf, so we headed to Foley instead of having beach day. Granted, after eating at LuLu's and doing some shopping (yeah, I bought an aircraft carrier and my favorite Harry & David pineapple salsa!) the monsoon started. Poured on us all the way back.
Today I went outside to find perfect weather. Sun, light wind, fairly calm surf. So I come back in, slather on half a tube of sunblock (I'm a huge believer in sunblock!), pack up a bag, throw a couple of waters in the freezer to get good and cold, grab the chairs, and walk a little ways up the beach to make camp. No sooner than we sat down, we looked up and saw the biggest doom thundercloud coming up from Gulf Shores. Sure enough, within ten minutes more than our toes were getting wet and we headed to the house:

That's about as clear as it's been, and you can't see all the rain coming down, but everything that looks hazy is actually rain. I do enjoy watching storms come up from the ocean, but I would enjoy some beach time, too! It's all fine, we're going to have Adventure Island Pinball day instead of beach day. I just hate that I wasted so much sunblock!
The internet access is spotty at best, so I'm going to hope this posts and have another update if it ever stops raining long enough for us to get to the sand.
I am so jealous. Even if it hasn't been ideal weather, it's a change of scenery and I love the beach, rain or shine, hot or cold.
Hope ya'll have a blast!
I hope you have a blast, weather notwithstanding. Enjoy your beach trip!
Glad the 2 of you are getting some down time. Parents came up this weekend and bought the beach pictures so I have them at the office to look at and feel that I am with you too. What did you think of LuLu's?
A rainy day at the beach beats a sunny day at work ANY time.
Oh, we have enjoyed ever minute, rain or shine! Even rain here is cool, watching the storm clouds roll in mezmorizing. Ironically, by the time we drove into town yesterday it was bright and sunny. Instead of feeling cheated of beach time, we were thrilled to be able to get in a round of minigolf, then hit the beach when we got back! Hope to be ale to upload some pics to flickr today, but our internet service cuts out once ever minute or so, so that may not happen.
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