And here's the very first "turn it on and snap" picture:

Of course it's the pup. What else would I photograph???
By the time the battery charged it was dark, so I couldn't play with it outside, but I tested it in the house. Posted some of the more interesting samples on my Flickr. It does some really funky custom color stuff, and I tested out the super close up shots on the pup. He didn't appreciate it much , but you can count his whiskers in one of them. Of the hundred or so pics I took, I posted 14. Going to play with some of the other features and lighting tomorrow. Woohoo!
Enjoy the new camera. But leave Casper alone. :)
Those two statements are completely incompatible. The whole point of having the camera is to pester the pup. You shoulda seen the look on his face when he saw it come out of the box. It was big eyeball rolling sigh of a "oh no, not another one." Ha. Mission accomplished!
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