Friday, September 7, 2007


So, in doing "what if" math we've figured out that it is quite possible that we'll have the house paid of next year, but even the back up scenerio is 2 1/2 years, which seems like, I dunno, tomorrow.

Yet, for some reason the 15 days until our vacation seems like a dozen years.

The six months until we go to Disney seems like a millineum.

The 4 1/2 hours until I leave work today feels like FOREVER.


mayberry said...

I hear ya. I have neither a trip to the beach or Disney in my future, but the 5:00 PM seems like a lifetime away. OH that I could work at home.


Stacey said...

So, in doing "what if" math we've figured out that it is quite possible that we'll have the house paid of next year, but even the back up scenerio is 2 1/2 years, which seems like, I dunno, tomorrow.

Duuuuuude, soooo jealous.

Susan said...

Well, as awesome as it is, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. I only paid $86,000 when I bought the house 5 years ago, and didn't finance all of that.

2. It's easier to live on nothing before you start having kids. Until very recently, I walked into Kroger once a week with $35 in cash and a calculator.

3. We have absolutely zero other debt, so...

4. My entire paycheck (plus any extra income) goes straight to Chase each month.

5. And finally, motivation. Works out that the cost of adding me and a kid to Greg's insurance would cost just a little less than our current mortgage payment. Works out nicely.