With all the craziness going on in July, I never did get around to making Greg a birthday cake, which was sad because I'd been planning since finding the perfect cake pan almost a year ago. This past weekend I finally got the chance to redeem myself and demonstrate my domestic awesomeness. And yes, even the icing was from scratch:
And of course I had some help with the domestic queen herself, Mom, who needed to test out the black icing to make sure it was appropiate:

Then I went to town with the icing bag, a feat I have never actually mastered. I've iced cupcakes a lot, and done basic icing on cakes, but I've never done actual decorative icing with different tips and colors and an actual design. But for my dear hubby, I would learn:

And here's the final result, despite Blogger's refusal to upload the picture correctly (I finally just embedded it from Flickr, hence the funky size difference!).

Happy belated birthday, honey! Love you!
I need you to make one for Mr. Fab next year on May 31..hehehe
It looks great!
Hope I get to see you this weekend :)
So cute!!!
Clucky - it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I'm going to see if Mom will go back to Tanks and get some different pans so I can make some others. I don't know who's going to eat them, we certainly don't need them!
Should be able to see you this weekend. I told Jen to call me when she had a plan and I'd make arrangements to be on that side of town.
awesome job! looks great.
Cool! I haven't made a cake since April. It would be torture on the South Beach to not be able to eat any.
Great job on the cake ... do you sell those for kids' birthdays?
That cake rocks!
Wow I am impressed. You can make me a cake just for the heck of it. Maybe that would help me gain weight!
Sandi - it's the first time I've ever done one. It's fun, and I'd love to make more, but I'm not sure I'm talented enough to actually sell one.
But, Jen, now that you mention it, I was contemplating trying to find a Tigger cake pan so I could practice up and make a Tigger cake for a certain baby shower I've been contemplating throwing later in the year. Perhaps I should go ahead and make one and feed it to you and Figment!
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