Friday, May 16, 2008

Change of Plans and More of the Ickies

We missed Mother's Day because Greg and I were both recovering from the crud. We were able to see his mother this week and rescheduled with mine for this weekend, with plans to head to their house after work tonight.

Mom and Dad are now both suffering from the crud. Mom's just starting with the sniffling and sneezing, Dad's been running fever since Monday. I don't think we'll be visiting this weekend. I'm sure they don't want the company, and I most certainly do not want either of us coming down with more ickies!


clstigger said...

Sorry Mom and Dad are feeling bad. Hope you enjoy a restful weekend.

Webmaster said...

When it rains, it pours! Sorry y'all are going through all that.

Susan said...

Everybody seems to be suffering from it right now. Thankfully Dad seems to be feeling a good bit better, no fever since Friday night, just a persistent cough. I hate to tell him, but I've been "well" for a couple of weeks now I'm still waking up coughing every night!