Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Dunno Why...

I have bizarre dreams all the time. It's not unusual. But last night's had two things that I found stranger than usual.

The entire time I was present, I was swinging on a tire swing in the middle of my living room.

We had a dog charger. Much like a battery charger, only you plugged up your dog.

Don't ask me to explain, those are the only two things I remember. I'm thinking the tire swing might not be a bad idea, it looked like fun, but I don't think Casper will go for the dog charger.


mayberry said...

I'll trade with you - I'd much rather dream about swings and electric dogs than somebody following me around with a knife trying to kill me. (that's what I dreamed last night)

From the Doghouse said...

Where do you plug in the dog?

And Mayberry, if you combined dreams you could have made the guy shove the knife into the dog charger, thereby electrocuting him.

Just sayin'.

mayberry said...

Good point. I wasn't scared in my dream, I was annoyed. The killer had plenty of chances to stab me and didn't. It was a she.

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Hmmmm . . . last night I dreamed that a washed-up actor (who INSISTED he was a member of the original cast of "Goonies," even though I totally knew he wasn't) was hired to serve as a model for a campus statue of John Wesley. Wonder what it means . . . ?

clstigger said...

Last night I dreamed that I broke 2teeth off and was in pain and needed to get to the dentist this morning and missed my board meeting. Don't know what that was about but I am at work with all my teeth. = )

Susan said...

Last night I dreamed my dog lost his everloving mind during a thunderestorm. Oh wait... Not a dream.