Monday, May 26, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Several years ago, during a particularly nasty cold snap right around the end of the year, I decided to revolt against celebrating the new year on January 1. It was ridiculous. It was cold and miserable. How could I get all excited about the days to come when all I wanted was to get warm? Besides, how much sense does it makes to have a holiday where loads of people go out drinking all night then try to drive home drunk in sleet and snow? I wasn't having it. I made the executive decision to swap New Year's Day with Memorial Day. We could spend the cold January day sitting with our families in front of a fire with hot chocolate talking about those who gave their lives in service to our country, the freedoms they gave us, and the lessons we've learned from it. Warm and cozy.

Then, at the end of May, when the trees have become green, the flowers have found new life, and tiny vegetables are just starting to show (except at my house, where all my sprouts died from neglect during the 3 weeks I was sick), we can celebrate the New Year. Kids can celebrate the end of one school year and anticipate the holiday weeks ahead before starting a new grade. Graduates can celebrate the end of one life and the start of something brand new. I can celebrate warmth, but not quite scorching heat yet. Wouldn't boating and grilling be a much more appropriate way to celebrate a new year rather than a memorial?

So today I celebrate New Year's Day. Unlike the miserable days of January, I feel compelled to think about setting goals and making plans. My resolutions? To get outside more this summer. To grow vegetables, which will require replanting today. To finish a quilting project. To have that garage sale. To continue eating healthier. To appreciate my family and friends more.

So Happy New Year's, everybody. Go burn some meat and kiss somebody.


mayberry said...

You just ain't right.

From the Doghouse said...

Where are the bowl games?

Outside of that, I like your idea.

Supermom said...

or go burn somebody and kiss some meat...

Susan said...

Now there's a plan, Supermom...