The first of the refugees have arrived. Casper has repeatedly informed me that we are NOT the Red Cross. He's not a happy pup. Little does he know it's about to get worse. Molly is just the beginning.
and Book Emporium
It's seen better days. After my husband had to go through the torture of trying to make a couple of calls on it the other day (some of the buttons don't exactly work right) I finally decided to suck it up and get a new phone. SIGH. I hate buying new phones, which is probably stating the obvious. I've actually never paid for a new phone, I've always either used somebody else's hand-me-down or gotten the cheapest "free" phone they had, griping because I absolutely hate signing those two year contracts. Yes, I've been with the same company for over 8 years, but that's not the point. I have this fear they'll end up getting bought out by one of the companies I hate (oh wait, Cingular doesn't exist anymore) and then I'm stuck. Regardless, I put on my big girl panties and did it. But I didn't just go get the cheap free phone this time. I was thiiiiis close. But then...
You see, I've learned to start checking the available plans every now and then because they change them and don't tell you, so there may be a better one available that I don't know about. The one that caught my eye was the new Blackberry plan, which was a whopping $5 a month more than I'd been paying for my basic service with voicemail and text. What? Five bucks? Now, I've always made fun of people with Blackberries because, to be honest, I wouldn't want people from work having that much access to me. But the phone was only $99, and I wouldn't have to sync it to my work account... I thought, "Maybe I should just bite the bullet and jump into the new century?" So I did. Poof. Just like that. Now I'm waiting for the buyer's remorse to set it.
I'm already a little irritated because they weren't able to activate my data service last night. The Blackberry activation service thing was down. They called me once this morning to try to fix it, but I wasn't in my office and they couldn't do it while I was on my phone, so they're supposed to call me back in a bit. If they can actually get me online, this may be my least productive day at work ever.
This officially replaces my former favorite sign, seen at everyone's least-favorite retail estabilishment:
In case you can't read it through the fuzzy, it says Rollback $388, Was: $388.