We have a cow living at our house. Not your usual cow, a canine cow. At least that is what Greg has named Wrigley, as at less than one year old, he is approximately the size of a calf, and is almost as graceful as one. There really isn't room for both is body and his tail in the living room, although the tail can be quite useful for dusting. Now if I can just teach him to gently remove the items on the coffee table rather than taking them all off in one swipe...
I will give him (and his people) a big gold star for bedtime routine. He sleeps in a crate and the minute I say, "Wrigley, night night." He gets in and settles down to go to sleep. (Unless of course I'm pestering him by taking pictures of his plight.) Last night he went right to sleep and didn't start moo-ing until he heard the alarm clock go off the first time this morning.
Last time we saw him before leaving for work he had Casper pinned down in the back yard. Greg was pretty sure it was instsigated by the little pup and the the tables were about to turn. It's kinda funny to watch them together. Casper barely comes up to his knees. I'll have to post some pictures if I ever have time.
UPDATE: Here's a picture of the puppy-cow. This was the only time he was still all night. He and Casper have since been exiled to the back yard for wrestling inside the house.
Sounds like fun. If you do teach him how to properly dust, send him to my house!
I wanna see the moo-dog!
I miss him. Glad Casper is wearing him out playing. I forgot to mention how deadly that tail can be.
For everything he dusts, he'd knock over something else! He took out the garbage can in my kitchen this morning with little effort.
Posting pictures will require him to be somewhat still for them. I haven't witnessed that trick yet, but I'm keeping an eye out for it.
I sure thought with the Moo title, you were gonna talk about Greg! HAHA!
That'd be more like "grrrr" at the moment. Somebody beat his high score on the bunny ice cream game. He's trying to get it back and keeps yelling at the TV, "Get out of my way, bunnies!" It's rather entertaining from where I'm sitting.
awwwwww...cute pup!
Pretty sure he's related to Topiary.
Pretty sure he's related to an uncoordinated monkey.
Apparently the command "Down," which Casper translates into "drop body to the floor immediately" really means, "Put my head on the floor and my butt in the air, wag tail" to the cow pup.
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