A friend of mine was adopted by this kitten while out walking one evening last week. She has just recently came out of denial and accepted the fact that she is now owned by the critter. However, after nearly a week, the poor kitty still doesn't have a name. I told her I would take suggestions on her behalf. According to the previously mentioned friend, it's a girlie cat. Anybody?
Sorry, I'm like the most unoriginal person alive. Maybe name her after whatever street she adopted her owner on? Or a store they were near? I think Big Lots is an awesome name for a cat. Or Best Buy.
Hush, stacey. You silly fry girl.
Howzabout witch names? My best friend had a black cat named Pyewacket from the Jimmy Stewart movie Bell, Book and Candle.
I love black cats. Your friend is lucky!
My friend's husband is lucky. My friend is afraid for her very expensive drapes!
And Stacey, right now they're calling her Baby. Or Cat. I'm not sure she really thought about naming it until I asked.
I like Pyewacket. That's something I'd name a pet. Greg, however, would probably vote for Best Buy!
What was I thinking? They should name her Basil!
How about "Spook." ;)
Or maybe Cujo (just to make people ask questions).
Ha. I have a cat-in-law named Spooks. Solid black, no tail, arrived one year on Halloween, and is scared to death of EVERYTHING. He's a hoot. Every time we're at my in-laws' house it takes him a while to remember that I'm family and come out of hiding.
My parents were adopted by a kitten last year. Named her Football because she kept getting under my dad's feet, then flying like a punt. Cujo would have been a better name for her. She looks sweet, but has a pretty serious attack mode!
How about Sparky. Looks like the cat has some spark.
I liked Pam's suggestion of Spaz.
After due consideration of all the options offered, they are currently giving strongest consideration to Izzy. Pretty sure that wasn't one of the recommendations, but we're dealing with difficult people here.
I lobbied hard during lunch for Pyewacket and Big Lots, but I don't think I'm going to win this one. I do believe Cujo is now in the top 5, however, after an incident this morning that almost resulted in a leg amputation.
Well, my suggestion is late but Missy would have been a good name. She looks like my Missy that passed away in my arms last year. And Missy was the best cat in the world.
I miss that cat. She was the most non-cat I've ever known. I think she was a dog in a prior life.
**sniffle sniffle.** awwww. Pets sometimes make the best people.
I did submit your suggestion and it turns out that was one of the original names my friend suggested to her husband. He liked Izzy best. But that was before the cat tried to take off his leg in a drive-by.
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