Picture in focus because it was drawn on a piece of paper and scanned in! I have access because it's still attached to the email that was sent from the special flamingo yahoo email account that was set up just for that situation. Easy to download from there. There were several pictures emailed of the flamingo in peril, and later of the flamingo becoming friends with his kidnappers.
I've been married to a wonderful man since 2006 and have one dog, one kid, and one on the way. I have lived in different areas of Mississippi my entire life and have to admit, I've never had a big desire to live anywhere else!
OH my goodness. We may have something twisted in common.
Long story about kidnapped puppet, ransom note, even a video taped ransom demand.
Anywho.. at least the self portrait is in focus.
Are you at work??
Suddenly wondering how you have access to that self portrait if at work.
Picture in focus because it was drawn on a piece of paper and scanned in! I have access because it's still attached to the email that was sent from the special flamingo yahoo email account that was set up just for that situation. Easy to download from there. There were several pictures emailed of the flamingo in peril, and later of the flamingo becoming friends with his kidnappers.
Too funny!
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