Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dresses and Bows and Dolls and...

FINALLY! After six, count 'em, SIX boys, I'm finally getting a girl! I got word this morning that Jen's little Figment is a Fila (as in Chick Fila, I'm so putting that on her list of names)! I've never gotten to buy little dresses before. I'm so excited! After Nicholas and Carson and Parker and then Edwin followed by Ian and finally Dalton... I get a girlie! And a girlie that just one town over rather than multiple states over, which is a total bonus. I can't wait!!! Ok, working on my list of girlie baby names (other than Chick Fila). Perhaps this afternoon I can post that.


mayberry said...

And don't forget that messy, glittery play makeup you can give her when she's about 4. People seem to LOVE to give crap like that to Mini-me.

Just be advised - whatever you sow in the form of obnoxiousness to your family/friend's children - you will reap. Bigtime!

Susan said...

Oh, I'm well past doomed on that one. Trust me. Somewhere between the "make sure it doesn't have a volume control or off button" rule and the inflatable ball house, I'm not sure it will ever be safe for me to have kids!