Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Earlier today I sat down at work and went to reply to a comment on the Tater Head Halloween post. I clicked on the link to my blog and... this page has been blocked. After some research, it wasn't just mine. Supermom - blocked. Stacey - blocked. Casper - blocked. Anything with blogspot in the the address - blocked. It was inevitable. So if I appear to be slacking my blog responsibilities, it's because our tech department just figured out what Blogger is.


Stacey said...


Susan said...

Agreed. We'll see how long it lasts. If the right important people complain it'll magically go away. I am not that important person! Of course, I'm married to an evil tech genius, so maybe I can figure out something sneaky. Ha!

From the Doghouse said...

I would respond, but I'm probably not allowed.


Susan said...

You'd be allowed, I'd be the one denied! Ironically, I could still get everything in Bloglines, just couldn't get to the page to read comments!