Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Man Meme

Stacey posted this meme and it was pretty funny, so I thought I'd play along.

The Man Meme

1. Who is your man?

2. How long have you been together?
2 years next month

3. How long did you date?
10 months, give or take

4. How old is your man?

5. Who eats more?
Depends on which week it is. There are days I can give him a run for his money, and days when I barely eat.

6. Who said “I love you” first?
Ummm. Probably him. Yeah. I think it was him.

7. Who is taller?
Greg. Freakishly so.

8. Who sings better?
Nobody would call the noise I make singing.

9. Who is smarter?
He is, by far. He can do complex math in his head. I can't add two numbers with a calculator.

10. Whose temper is worse?
Neither of us waste a lot of energy on a temper, but I probably get irritated easier.

11. Who does the laundry?
Joint venture. I think it depends on who is out of underwear that day.

12. Who takes out the trash?
He does. When either of us remember.

13. Who sleeps on the right hand side of the bed?
I do.

14. Who pays the bills?
The auto-draft system at the bank. Except for the water bill, which can't be paid electronically, so I write the check to mail. I'm the only one with a stamp.

15. Who is better with the computer?
He works with computers and electronic equipment for a living. All I have is that special ability to walk into a room when somebody is having software issues and it magically fixes itself as soon as I sit down to look at it.

16. Who mows the lawn?
The 14 year old kid down the street.

17. Who cooks dinner?
It's a toss up between me and whatever restaurant we end up at. Unless it's been one of those days AND we're out of money, then Greg will cook something.

18. Who drives when you are together?
I can drive? Surely not. Nor do I remeber how to pump gas. And I like it.

19. Who pays when you go out?
I'm the keeper of the date money cash, so I usually hand it to Greg and he pays.

20. Who is most stubborn?
We'd probably have a stand off on that one. But I would win.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
I'm never wrong. He's still learning that, but getting better.

22. Whose parents do you see the most?
His. We all work in the same place.

23. Who kissed who first?
Pretty sure we were both involved.

24. Who asked who out?

25. Who Proposed?
Greg. Although he broke the time rule I had set. I said we would NOT get engaged until we'd been dating at least six month, and he was free to ask any time after that. He didn't even make it to 5.

26. Who is more sensitive?
I'm more likely to show it. He's more likely to get hurt and never mention it.

27. Who has more friends?
I do. But he knows more people.

28. Who has more siblings?
We're even. I have a brother, he has a sister.

29. Who wears the pants in the family?
The pup.


Supermom said...

the pup...heh

The Topiary Cow said...

Topiary likes homes where the pup wears the pants.

Will be trundling by to visit.


Webmaster said...

I love reading these things, but mine would be mortified if I blogged on this.

Susan said...

Pants are one thing, but if you try to put the socks the pup got for Christmas on him then you've got a fight on your hands.

I wouldn't do one of these that I thought was personal, but there wasn't much of anything on this one that isn't public knowledge. Everybody that knows the pup knows he runs the household!

Greg said...

Totally agree!!!

Susan said...

Agree with which part, the pup wearing pants without socks, or you being smarter than me?

Which reminds me, I GOTTA show you the sock thing. Freaks him out worse than a bath. It's hysterical.

Greg said...

That the pup defenitely runs the household. God save us when we have a kid.

Susan said...

More like save HIM. We just think he is paranoid over the cat...

Susan said...

And I find it funny that the pup question got attention, but nobody questioned #24! HA!