Thursday, October 4, 2007

Survey Says...

I just want to go ahead and say that if I gripe about how tired I am on Thursday, it's my own fault. Actually, blame Family Feud. My husband got me hooked playing the Feud online tonight. It's currently 1:05 AM and we just quit to go to bed. We were pretty good at it, but not good enough to justify being up half the night after a particularly exhausting day at work, when we have a dinner thing to go the next night! Dumb. I know. But I just couldn't stop...

The funny part is that it's obviously a British version. For example, one answer I knew was vacation, but on the game they had "holiday." Other clues:

There was "What do kids hate to do around the house," to which an answer was "tidy their room." Who says "tidy?"

How about "What would you associate with a roast?" Beef? Pork? Nope. Lamb.

Or, "What would you put in iced tea?" Would the #1 answer be ice? Tea? Nope. Lemon.

The question, "What would you find in a country town?" My guess for the #1 answer was church. No. It was number 3. The #1 answer was pub.

Yep. Brits. Our motto the rest of the night was "Think Brit." I am proud to say that one of our highest scoring rounds was, "Name an actor who played James Bond." I knew every one. Oh yeah. That was a Thanksgiving Day tradition at my family's house. James Bond marathon.

All of that aside, the most interesting question of the night was, "What birthday present would you buy a stripper?"

I'm not even going to get into that one. To say the least, we lost that round, and I was completely offended by the last answer!


mayberry said...

That sounds hilarious!

Webmaster said...

Please don't post a link for this game. Sounds like the online version of crack rock.

Susan said...

You just can't imagine...

And as if that wasn't bad enough, I ended up at McD's (blah!) for lunch today and got 4 Monopoly game pieces. Greg did the online codes thing and guess what we won? Two free downloads from an online game site! Monopoly and Yahtzee, from the looks of it, our two favorite board games! DOOOOM!!!