Thursday, March 12, 2009


I don't think being at home is going to work out quite the way I'd planned it.

I spent the last month at my job contemplating all the things I was going to do when I was finally home. All the house cleaning, the organizing, the meals I could cook...

Granted, at the time I didn't know that I was pregnant, or how being pregnant would effect me. I'm tired. Most of you know what I mean when I say that, you've been there. I may start out with a list of ten things I want to get done in a day and accomplish three. And I don't mean big projects, I mean getting the laundry in the washer. I think the Zofran will help a good bit. I'm nowhere near as sick as I have been for two weeks, but I also know that not taking my ADD meds makes it ten times as hard even without the pregnancy changes. However, I've already accomplished one task today that should count as three tasks, so I'm counting that as a victory.

I'm hoping to get into a schedule and figure out my realistic limits but it's going to take a little time. I know that. And I'm okay with it. I'm incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to focus on resting and taking care of myself instead of having to try to navigate the latest office crisis.


mayberry said...

You'll figure it out. I can't believe you got that one task done with the way you've been feeling! Way to go!

grammargirl said...

Nothing ever works out the way I plan, so welcome to my world! (and truth be known, most people's world) The fatigue will get better, and you'll have a few months when you feel pretty good and can get some things done. But if you don't, everything will still be OK. Your house won't be the same for the next 18 or so years, but you will be investing your time in something much more precious. Enjoy every minute. And congratulations!!!!

Sandi said...

Rest now as much as you need to. You won't have a chance after the baby's born.