Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bonus Points

I haven't really been online all weekend, so this is late, but worth mentioning.

Friday ended with a monster headache that had been building all week. I came home a bit early and immediately curled up in a ball on the couch with my eyes squeezed shut and stayed that way for the next 3 hours. Meanwhile, Greg had taken Friday off from work and had spent the entire day home alone. Anybody wanna guess what I came home to Friday, after my long, painful, rather difficult day?

If you guessed a clean kitchen, clean laundry and (by the time I came out of my coma that evening) dinner ready, you would be correct. I am officially awarding my husband bonus points. He rocks.


BENJI said...

well...I think rocks would be a strange word to use! :)

Supermom said...

can I borrow him?

my hubby has the day off today and I can bet the farm what I will come home to...his butt plastered to the couch playing xBox 360...


Susan said...

He also managed to find my glasses that went missing early Saturday morning and stayed missing despite my desperate search and rescue mission. The were in the living room garbage can. Yep.

And Benji, you would find it a strange word because you don't actually have to cook or clean up after yourself. Try it for a few years and see how much it rocks to have somebody else do it for you!

From the Doghouse said...

Good for him - and you!

Hope you're feeling better.

Webmaster said...

What a sweetheart. Your hubby does rock!

BENJI said...

I've lived by myself before! College! And I wasn't saying rocks is a strange word to use because of what he did, I'm saying it because of who he is!