Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I got so many helpful responses to my gardening post weekend before last that I was motivated. I went that day and spent $15 on dirt and fertilizer for my front bed. I spread it all and was about one bag of dirt short. No problem. Last weekend, after getting my new stuff money for the week, I bought another bag of dirt. Granted, after I bought it I realized that I'd bought the wrong type of dirt, but that's ok. It's still dirt.

And it's still sitting, unopened, at the end of the flower bed.

Here's my confession. My secret concern is that I'll spend all this money fixing up my flower bed and after a few weeks it'll be neglected, and after a few months it'll just be sad. I've been guilty many many times. I usually get the urge to plant when the weather gets nice, but half the time I buy plants and never even get around to putting them in the ground.

It was a bit easier when Jen lived with me because she would drag me out to pull weeds and water stuff on a fairly regular basis. Without somebody reminding me, I just forget. I'll see it when I drive up in the evening, but by the time I get inside and change clothes, I've moved on to dinner, then it's just gone. I won't think about it again until the next morning when I leave for work. And on the weekends, I'll want to do it but will get busy and won't think about it until it starts raining or something.


So my plan is actually to spread the prep out over several weeks. If I keep up enough to get it done, I can buy and plant flowers and hopefully by then it'll be enough of a routine that I'll remember to water and weed before our yard guy has to take the weed eater to the entire bed, as he has done the past two summers. Now that's just embarrassing. I have to get the last of the dirt spread soon.


Supermom said...

man, I wish I had half of your gardening skills...

From the Doghouse said...

I find weedeating the entire dirt/garden area to be theraputic.

Webmaster said...

Just spend A LOT of money on dirt, plants and tools, and then you'll feel obligated to do it.