Monday, February 4, 2008

Highlight Reel

HOW did I miss this??? (Go to the Video Zone to catch the footage.) Granted, we don't have cable so we wouldn't have been able to watch it if we'd been at home, but we were at the in-law's house for the game last night. We could have watched it there, and I can't help but think that it would have been considerably more entertaining that the Fox pre-game show! I'm wondering if there's a playoff system and what I need to do to get Casper involved...

We did have a great time last night. Some of Greg's cousins' were there and the food was fantastic (apple dumplings, yum). Two of the ten or so people in attendance chose to cheer for the losing side, and the rest of us had much fun at their expense. As with most people in this area, none of the teams that I have any interest in made it this year, so I chose the lesser of evils. Honestly, I'm just sick of hearing about Tom Brady and wanted to see somebody smack him around and get a little mud on his pretty boy face. Mission accomplished. Greg was a little concerned about the fact that the four men hosting the pre-game spent a good ten minutes sitting around discussing how pretty Brady is. Personally, I don't see it.

I will give the Giants major style points for the win. I enjoyed watching the game more than I normally would, mostly because I was in awe of the Giants' defense and offensive line. Seriously, the offensive line gave Eli enough time to have a cappucchino while deciding where to throw. I'm not sure Eli was truly MVP, though. I know that's borderline blasphemy around here, but the reality is that nobody should have been able to beat the Patriots with 17 points. The defense made a huge opportunity for the win, Eli and the offense capitalized on it. When it's all said and done, it really was a spectacular effort by a team, not just a couple of key players, that made the difference. There's a lesson to be learned in that, folks. Those are the games I enjoy watching. And Brady looking so sad was icing.


From the Doghouse said...

I agree; I was thinking they should divide the MVP up 11 ways and give it to the entire Giants defense.

Susan said...

Would have been fun watching them share joint custory of the monster SUV they gave Eli. That's for sure.

Webmaster said...

That monster (hybrid) Cadillac is big enough. It probably could seat the whole defensive line. Comfortably.