Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ok, my brain isn't working but Greg just provided me with this headline from our weekly employee newletter:

"Pediatric Urologist Gives Wiener Lecture"

Really, it's just too easy.


Southern Miss Alum said...
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Webmaster said...

OK Susan, a completely paranoid question ... was that you commenting on my Obama post? I don't think it was, but if it was, are we still cool? I know we've never met, but I enjoy reading your blog, and I hope you'll continue reading mine.

Susan said...

Errr, no. Not me. But now that you've said that I'm about to go see what I said...

Webmaster said...

We, um, butted heads on the issue of gay marriage. "Susan" didn't directly say I was going to hell, but wished me luck on judgment day.

It's the blog post "A message of hope."

Go figure.

Susan said...

Definitely not me, I wouldn't know how to use that many big words, nor string together that many complex thoughts. Nor would I make those particular statements. Nope. Not me. But, dang, what an interesting discussion.

Webmaster said...

I'm so glad to hear that wasn't you. When she was posting anonymously (and saying the worst of it), I laid into her pretty hard.

Sorry to hijack your blog. Just needed to be sure.

BENJI said...

I would have really liked to hear that lecture.

Susan said...

I'm kinda glad I didn't hear it! Seems like urology always has the Weiner lecture, come to think of it. We've made fun of these headlines before.

Susan said...

Sandi - not a problem, I'm glad you mentioned it. I haven't really had much time to follow conversations on other blogs for the past few weeks so I'd missed the whole arguement. It was interesting, along with the follow up discussion on the later post.

Webmaster said...

I understand. You're welcome to read/comment any time. :)

Supermom said...


go read that... Jay Leno read that on the Tonight Show last year when Dr. Weiner came last year to do the urology lecture.


Stacey said...

Did the weiner do something wrong?

Who'm I kidding. They're always doing something wrong.

Susan said...

Heh. I imagine if it didn't, it wouldn't have been sent to the urologist anin the first place!