Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday's Forecast

I hate it when they start playing paint-by-numbers with the weather map. At least I'm still in the basement bat cave, which is probably as safe as a storm shelter can be so long as the other 7 floors don't fall in on top of me.


From the Doghouse said...

Meanwhile, some sweaty guy is driving around a UPS truck while wearing your underwear ...

Hey, maybe they'll make you move today, in honor of the weather!

Stacey said...

Knowing where you work, the idea of being in the basement completely freaks me out.

It might be because I just watched Ghost Hunters. But seriously.

Susan said...

Doghouse - if that is indeed the case, I would just as soon not get them!

Stacey - come visit sometime and I'll give you the tour. The hallway by the morgue with all the exposed giant pipes is very intriguing. Next stop, the research building with the biohazard signs on the doors. (I personally prefer the basement!)

Webmaster said...

Why does "Gimmie Shelter" pop in my head?

Stacey said...


I'd have to be polishing off my resume. I don't know how you type that sound you make when you get the heebie jeebies, but I'm making it.

Susan said...

Nah, it's in the basement but on the other side of the building. It's a big building. And believe me, the morgue doesn't give me half the jeebies as the stuff they have in the labs! Thankfully, I have an awful lot of faith in the contamination procedures here. And am in a completely different building from the labs.

From the Doghouse said...

So, you work next to the morgue.At least the neighbors are quiet - most of the time.

Does give a new meaning to stopping in for a cold one, though.